Stacy Gibbs
Growing up together, in the “Land Between the Lakes” (LBL) region of Western Kentucky, there were always plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation. Remembering when my twin brother and I were nine years old, our dad said he was going to take us to a small children’s fishing tournament being held that Saturday morning at Duncan Lake in LBL. We were excited because it was going to be something new to us because up until then, we had only mainly fished for bluegill in ponds and small streams. It was our first real experience with bass fishing, no fancy rod or tackle. Our dad had set us up with a take-down cane pole, bobbers, and bought us some worms for bait. Man, back then that was an awesome first “rod without the reel”.
We fished all day around many other people, including some of our friends. And before the day was up, I remember us helping each other land our first bass. We knew right then and there that this was something we both really loved to do and would continue. Over the many years that followed, we have fished with many lures as they keep changing, as well as gear. We have fished with just about every kind of freshwater lures out there and have found which ones worked consistently. We learned that while most lures are hit and miss, they just mainly caught our eye instead of catching fish, no matter how the lure was presented, it just never would land a fish. The older we got we became increasingly interested in wanting to create some lures that not only are unique in color and shape, but have an action that will get that strike to happen. Everyone will tell you that there is nothing like top water action if you really love to bass fish.

Tracy Gibbs
Remembering back to our first “Big Water” trial is one of my favorite memories… It was early that Saturday morning and the sunshine was slowing peeking over the trees as the heavy fog was beginning to lift. Before gearing up, I remember my brother itching to try out one of our first models. While it had already done extremely well while being fished on local pond waters, it was now time to put it to the test on the big water. As we prepared to head out, he offered a chuckle and a challenge. The challenge? He’d fish exclusively with our handmade lure and I’d use a handful of my top performing lures I had collected over the years. I accepted his challenge and off we went. The elements were perfect for our Saturday morning fishing excursion….the sun, the fog, the calm waters, and the only sounds were those of bass rolling in the bushes along the shoreline. We made it to the area we wanted to fish….a creek flowing into the head of this bay which caused the water to drop several feet deeper than the surrounding waters. As I put the motor to rest, I prepared myself to start fishing, only to find out that my brother had beat me to it and had the lure in the water!
I vividly recall, on his third cast, the loud splash as the bass took the bait and rolled in the water….the fight was on! The first fish was on and I haven’t even made my first cast. I quickly grabbed the dip net and was excited to land our first fish together, much like back in the day at Duncan Lake with our dad. As the fish got closer to the boat, we soon realized how nice of a fish we had hooked. We pulled it out of the water and our eyes lit up with excitement… it was an incredible 6 pound 7 ounce Kentucky Largemouth! We fished for another couple of hours which yielded eight additional nice largemouth caught by our handmade lure. These fish ranged from 6 pounds, 7ounces down to 3 pounds, 3 ounces. I’d say his challenge paid off and his mission was accomplished. I had made many casts that morning only to find myself disappointed by the lack of bites I was receiving. His success was the big story that morning! We left that morning wondering how we had been so successful on something we had made…could it have been luck? We like to think it was much more than that.
Since then, we have perfected our lure in many ways, designed our own color schemes, and fished it countless times on our many trips together. We found that it is a fish catching machine! From Canada where the smallmouth and Northern Pike are in abundance to the lakes where large stripers, largemouth, and musky call home, tie on one of our ThrowBack Lures and see for yourself if this isn’t the next generation in great lures. These lures are truly custom handmade in our small workshop. We do all the carving, details in painting, down to the tuning and assembly. We put pride in our lures and hope they bring you many successes and great stories. God Bless you, Good Fishing, and Tight Lines.